Well I took Biggio, my Harris out hawking for pigeons at night. One less pigeon in this world today. Got it under an overpass on the highway. Was not sure how he was going to do as we have never hunted in the dark. We walked up the concrete to where most the pigeons were and when we got close they started leaving. Biggio just kind of watched and I guess did not know what to do with all the commotion. He started to chase but not till they hit the dark night sky, so I did not let go of the jesses. I turned around to look for more and yep, one left on the other end. I let Biggio focus in on it and sure enough he figured out that was the same thing that just made all the mess before, he took off after it and the pigeon bolted, but to late. Biggio took it to the ground. Now the part that excites me the most. He did not try to carry. He has been doing that, and I have been working on it. I let him pull feather for a bit while I connect the leash, than covered the pigeon with a small towel, threw the lure to the side, he stepped off the pigeon. I let him eat the meat on the lure, than stepped him off onto the glove with a tidbit. Than put him in the hood. Just like it is supposed to go. Glad to see this bird is working out.
The New Taurus TX-22 Pistol is a Winner
5 years ago
Howdy partner!
Well I don't know anything about falconry, but two months and a little, and the bird is catching pigeons and coming back to you, seems like a major accomplishment!
I'm looking forward to reading more of your trials, tribulations, and triumphs!
This whole falconry thing is fascinating...
Albert A Rasch
The Rasch Outdoor Chronicles
Proud Member of Outdoor Bloggers Summit
Southeast Regional OBS Coordinator
Hey one other thing.
You should consider joining the Outdoor Bloggers Summit. It is an outdoor bloggers group that helps new and established bloggers with all sorts of blogging issues and of course try to present a united front on issues that involve the outdoors.
We also guest post on outdoor politics, outdoor issues, the environment, basically anything to do with the outdoors. Some of us fish, hike, others bowhunt, camp, or whitewater canoe, but I don't think we have any Falconers or Hawkers. It would be great if some of you joined!
Albert A Rasch
The Rasch Outdoor Chronicles
Proud Member of Outdoor Bloggers Summit
Southeast Regional OBS Coordinator
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